Saturday, January 26, 2013

gayNEWS... How Many Gay Members of Congress?

How many openly gay members of Congress are there? Six to be exact according to the New York Times...

Openly Gay, and Openly Welcomed in Congress

" the 113th Congress there are six openly gay or bisexual members in the House — a small but tangible sign that their presence at the highest levels of government is no longer something only whispered about."

Does the mere fact that we count people (blacks, latinos, male, females, etc.) lead to equality? Or is that in itself an act of discrimination?

Friday, January 11, 2013

gayNEWS... Ric Alba's Huffington Post Interview

Ric Alba, former bassist with the Altar Boys (whom I interviewed for Stained Glass Rainbows) was recently interviewed by Bert Montgomery. Here's the print interview that appeared over at The Huffington Post... Faith, Self-Discovery and Christian Music: An Interview with Ex-Altar Boy Ric Alba

And here's a SOUNDbite from my interview with Ric for Stained Glass Rainbows... SOUNDbite... Ric Alba

Thursday, January 10, 2013

gayNEWS... National Cathedral & Same-Sex Weddings

Now that Gay Marriage has been legalized in Maryland, the Associated Press is reporting that the National Cathedral will begin performing same-sex weddings... 

To quote the article...

"Official Episcopal law still defines marriage as between a man an a woman, so the cathedral says it will be performing weddings that combine civil marriage ceremonies under local law with a blessing from the church. They will use the new language approved for same-sex couples instead of the marriage ceremony from the Book of Common Prayer."


I would imagine that this will cause Shirley Phelps-Roper and her friends from Westboro Baptist to return to the DC area for another protest. I captured great conversations for Stained Glass Rainbows with her and her colleagues at a previous protest at the National Cathedral outside of Washington, D.C.
Shirley Phelps-Roper protesting in front of the National Cathedral 

America is Doomed
You're Going To Hell

The Youth of America Speak Out